For over 35 years, James Schattauer has been sharing his gifts in the world through singing, bodywork and intuitive insight.
He has certifications in Massage and Reiki, and also offers Intuitive Readings as a part of his practice.
For decades James has been a performing singer/songwriter for children and adults, as well as a leader and participant in Men's Groups in Wisconsin, Minnesota, California and Arizona.
James makes his home in Middleton, WI, with his wife, Sage, and their dog, Reggae.
He invites you to come home to yourself through Deep Well Healing Arts.
60 min. in your home - $75.00**
60 min. at James' studio - $65.00
30 min. distance reiki - $30.00
**Travel costs $1/mile one way
Receive your own personal
“Soul Song” that emerges from your session. James will sing and
record your Soul Song and send it home with you!
$150.00 - 60 min. in person
$75.00 - 30 min. distance session
Ready to come together with other "gentle" men? Get ready to join in this soulful online Men's Group from the comfort of your own home. All are welcome. Contact James for more information and details.
Massage, reiki, intuitive work and singing are not a replacement for regular medical care, and they sure help!